The Role of Database Management System in Information Systems

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An organized collection of data, databases need to be managed accordingly. A database management system (DBMS) can help do that. So, what is a DBMS and what is its role in information systems? Let’s find out.

Typically organized to represent relevant aspects of reality, data stored in a database supports processes requiring this information. However, this will happen only if there is a database management system in place. An information system is nothing more than an organized collection of data if a DBMS is not organizing, controlling and classifying the data stored there. The ultimate objective of a DBMS is to ensure the data integrity by implementing controls and providing maintenance to data files.

The Importance of a Database Management System

The use of a computer database is typically involved in efficient data management. A shared, integrated computer structure, a database stores the following:

  • End-user data i.e. raw data relevant to the end user
  • Metadata—the data about data, through which end-user data is integrated and managed

In case you weren’t aware, metadata describes the characteristics of the data and the set of relationships linking the data present within the database. So, what is the role of a DBMS in all this? We discuss that next.

The Role of DBMS in Information Systems

A DBMS plays a crucial role in both the creation and management of data. Without a database management system, running and managing data effectively is not possible. Serving as the intermediary between the user and the database, a DBMS provides users access to files stored in a database. It provides the end user with a single, integrated view of the data, and translates all applications it receives into complex operations that fulfil those requests. However, much of the internal complexity of the database is hidden from the users and application programs.

From enabling the sharing of data in the database among multiple applications or users to providing users with a single all-encompassing data repository, DBMS plays an important role in information systems. Following are some of the things a DBMS enables in information systems:

Better Data Access Within the Company

With a DBMS, users within a company can access, update and delete data in a database or information system. This information is easily available to users when the company’s information systems are integrated with the relational DBMS.

Stronger Relationships Between Data

A key function of database management systems is allowing different data sets to relate to one another. This makes a DBMS ideal for managing relationships between data sets in a systematic and simple way. This, in turn, allows managers to understand key statistics related to business operations and sales.

Improved Data Security

The more people access the data, the greater the risk of data security breaches. Generally, companies invest considerable time, effort and money to ensure proper use of their data. But, this does not always produce the desired outcomes. With a DBMS, organizations can ensure better enforcement of data privacy and security policies, which allows them to improve overall data security.


As seen above, DBMS play a critical role in information systems. If you’re looking for database management system to manage your information systems, get in touch with us!

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