Save Your Users From Being Data Monkeys

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As a business analyst, completing multiple, time sensitive projects must be submitted before hard deadlines. Over time, these tasks tend to accumulate to the point where it begins to affect overall efficiency. The factor of time is an asset that we would all love to save and maximize in the office.

This goes hand in hand with taking the necessary steps to avoid turning into the dreaded “Data Monkey.” Data Monkeys spend their time performing redundant tasks such as copying data, sending information out or formatting visualizations of data. We should be dedicating this precious time to other essential business operations that can positively influence the company. Unfortunately, many analysts are required to squander their limited time away on these repetitive and avoidable tasks. We must ask ourselves, is there a way to complete tedious assignments in a time-efficient manner?

Save Time with Automation

On a global scale, automation has become an integral component of both large and small businesses in various industries. The ability to automate business processes offers a large advantage over competitors, allowing you to dominate your respective market. It leads to an increase in production and grants the user more time to allocate to other important projects. In addition, there is an increase in the quality of final output due to the elimination of the inevitable errors that arise from manual processes. Instead of executing monotonous business operations, users are able to prioritize and focus on assignments that have a greater level of importance while being able to rely on a dependable automation process.

The ZEMA Suite will grant you an edge over your competitors by automating various business processes in a completely reliable manner. One of the most powerful analytical tools available in ZEMA is Market Analyzer. Most companies contain vast amounts of data; it becomes extremely difficult to maintain analytical tabs on every data source. Market Analyzer grants the user an interface that can manipulate and visualize data from almost any source with a just couple of clicks. Below, we display data from Environment Canada; we can distinctly visualize the daily weather extremes of the city of Abbotsford, BC.

Simple and Descriptive Visualizations

Furthermore, we can seamlessly generate a visualization of the average of the temperature extremes using data that we already have with preset formulae.


Figure 1: Daily Weather Extremes, Environment Canada

We are able to simply click and drag the required information into the organized grid and generate a comprehensible graph that displays key information. This allows the user to save time on simple tasks such as formatting complex visualizations of data. We are then able to shift the focus to analytical work where we can have more influence on significant business decisions. Instead of formulating various calculations manually, over 140 formulae come with your ZEMA package to allow for a complete analysis of data. With just one click, we have the ability to manipulate graphs to display various types of charts and our wide array of data including critical business key performance indicators. Even more complex charts such as forward curves can be generated within seconds.

Integration made Simple

Another tool that is available in the ZEMA Suite is Curve Manager. It utilizes an automated engine to conduct and simplify the more detailed tasks such as generating forward curves for data. It has integration features that are extremely advanced. When market data is received Curve Manager can automatically formulate curves based on the collected data and push the curves to the required set of receivers. Instead of over-allocating time attempting to ensure all users have the necessary information, the curve manager allows you to focus on other tasks.


This is only a small glimpse of the convenient and extensive tool set that the ZEMA offers to clients. The software will assist in the maximization of the irreplaceable asset of time. Gain an advantage over your competitors, set yourself apart from the rest and attain your business goals.


  1. Work smarter, not harder, and don’t be a data monkey.

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