ZE Datawatch eMagazine January 2015

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In this month’s issue, the editorial letter discusses the curious claims about the US energy industry made by Barack Obama in his recent State of the Union Address. The “In-Depth” article delves into the history of the oil industry to find that, just as today, it has always been subject to volatility and unpredictability. With the present-day uncertainty surrounding the perilous plummet of oil prices, Aiman explores how oil has been at the mercy of, and even at the heart of, many of the major historical developments of the last 150 years. Numerous short articles provide updates on IESO merging with OPA, CME Group launching a new suite of European natural gas contracts, and much more.

More News This Month

PEGAS Markets Operated by Powernext are Merged with EEX

ICE Futures Europe Completes Transition to Low Sulfur Gasoil Contract

Argus Introduces Argus Americas Asphalt and Argus Bitumen Publications

MCX Begins Futures Trading in Crude Mini

Argus Discontinues Marine Fuels Assessments

Argus Adds New European Coal Assessments

COMEX Lists Gold Kilo Futures Contract

CBOE Begins Distributing Volatility Index Values on FX Options Contracts

ICE Launches Clearing for Additional European Sovereign CDS Instruments

Deutsche-Börse Launches New X-Trackers Bond Index ETFs

NYSE Group and MYRA Capital Launch NYSE Dynamic Index Family

Swedbank Robur Starts Clearing Interest Rate Swaps through Nasdaq

ICAP’s EBS Collaborates with SGX on Asian Foreign Exchange Initiatives

Platts Begins Publishing Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Allowance Assessments

AccuWeather Releases New Android Wear App with MinuteCast

DataWatch January 2015

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